
  • 6X19
  • 6X19


  • Product description: 6X19+FC, 6X19+IWS | SHIDANDE Steel Wire Rope

Wire rope structure: 6x19

Strand structure: 12+6+1

Main application: Ship tensegrity mast and suspension bridge (IWR), fishery dragnet, ship loading and unloading, heat steel moving machine (IWR), other cranes. 

Production standard: GB/T8918-1996





Performance parameter table of wire rope:

 Nominal dia. Approx.mass Nominal tensile strength of rope(MPa)
1570 1670 1770 1870 1960
Minimum breaking force
mm kg/100m kN ( not less than )
6 12.5 12.1 13.7 17.5 18.7 18.4 19.9 19.5 21.1 20.6 22.3 21.6 23.4
7 17.0 16.5 18.7 23.6 25.5 25.1 27.1 26.6 28.7 28.1 30.4 29.4 31.8
8 22.1 21.6 24.4 30.8 33.3 32.8 35.4 34.7 37.6 36.7 39.7 38.5 41.6
9 28.0 27.3 30.9 39.0 42.2 41.5 44.9 44.0 47.5 46.5 50.2 48.7 52.7
10 34.6 33.7 38.1 48.1 52.1 51.2 55.4 54.3 58.7 57.4 62.0 60.1 65.0
11 41.9 40.7 46.1 58.3 63.0 62.0 67.0 65.7 71.1 69.4 75.1 72.8 78.7
12 49.8 48.5 54.9 69.4 75.0 73.8 79.8 78.2 84.6 82.6 89.4 86.6 93.7
13 58.5 57.0 64.4 81.4 88.0 86.6 93.7 91.8 99.3 97.0 104 101 109
14 67.8 66.1 74.7 94.4 102 100 108 106 114 112 121 117 127
16 88.6 86.3 97.5 123 133 131 141 139 150 146 158 154 166
18 112 109 123 156 168 166 179 176 190 186 201 194 210
20 138 135 152 192 208 205 221 217 235 229 248 240 260
22 167 163 184 233 252 248 268 263 284 277 300 291 314
24 199 194 219 277 300 295 319 312 338 330 357 346 374
26 234 228 258 325 352 346 374 367 397 388 419 406 439
28 271 264 299 377 408 401 434 426 460 450 486 471 510
30 311 303 343 433 469 461 498 489 528 516 558 541 585
32 354 345 390 493 533 524 567 556 601 587 635 616 666
34 400 390 440 557 602 592 640 628 679 663 717 695 752
36 448 437 494 624 675 664 718 704 761 744 804 779 843
38 500 487 550 695 752 740 800 784 848 828 896 868 939
40 554 539 610 771 833 820 887 869 940 918 993 962 1040
42 610 594 672 850 919 904 978 958 1030 1010 1090 1060 1150
44 670 652 738 933 1000 992 1070 1050 1130 1110 1200 1160 1260
46 732 713 806 1010 1100 1080 1170 1140 1240 1210 1310 1270 1370

Warning: the above parameters according to relevant excerpts from standard for users choose rope and use of reference, don't use.